The Young Artists Pre-College Academy is built on the premise that mutual respect and trust are among the cornerstones of effective musical collaboration. This code is intended to set out the guidelines for conduct in the program so that we can all learn unencumbered by distraction.
Due to the nature of chamber music and small ensembles that depend on each player’s distinctive contribution, students’ full participation in classes and recitals is essential to ensure the effectiveness of the groups. Students are expected to prioritize their attendance at YAPCA when there is conflict in schedule. Each absence, when it cannot be avoided, should be communicated to music coach or program director well in advance. Students are also expected to arrive early to each class with all required materials to allow enough time for proper setup.
Early withdrawal
Because we begin planning and making financial commitments well in advance of the beginning of the term, tuition is non-refundable after September 1.
Ethical conduct
As a member of YAPCA, each person is held to a high standard of personal integrity. Our school is committed to an environment of mutual respect. Respect for fellow musicians, teachers, coaches, parents, guests, and volunteers is essential. Disruptive behaviours, intimidation or bullying of other YAPCA members, disparaging one another on social media and similar activities will not be tolerated. Any member who violates the Code will be afforded a single warning to him/her and their family for behavioural infractions; and the second infraction constitutes grounds for expulsion without any refund of tuition fees.
Instructions given by YAPCA faculty and managers should be followed. In any situation where you are unclear as to what conduct is expected, you will ask the advice and direction of YAPCA faculty or managers.
Cell phone use
Use cell phone/tablet during classes, recitals, concerts is prohibited. This includes texting. Please keep cell phone use to breaks only.
Alcohol and illegal substances
Substance use is strictly prohibited. Consumption of alcoholic beverages or possession of any illegal drugs during any YAPCA activity is not permitted.
Policy date 2019-09-06. Version 1.0. Review date TBD